Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to four wonderful followers to my blog! Jenny, Teresa, KiwiPoet, and Frenchy! I am still learning the diameters of blogging. I found out that I cannot cut and paste a document from Word into my blog. If there is any way to do this I would appreciate learning it.

I know that Jenny is taking part in the writing exercises from The Fiction Class by Susan Green. We are on the third exercise right now. I hope the others will too. I am open for feedback.

How many of you have blogs? I would love to start following you, too.


  1. I think Doug learned how to cut and paste when he was hosting the now defunk (sp) Winter Family Forum...I'll ask him

  2. Hi Sheila, I have found that I can cut and paste into blogger if I use IE for the brwser. If I use Mozilla, it gives me html error messages.
